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Do not be afraid of kidney stones, learn from Dr. Verma how to get rid

Posted on: Tue, 24, May 2022 1:30 PM (IST)
Do not be afraid of kidney stones, learn from Dr. Verma how to get rid

Basti, (U.P.) Often people get stones in their kidneys. Age doesn't matter in this. Generally, eating habits and uncontrolled routine are the causes of stones. This complaint is also being found in abundance in young people. What is a stone, why it is formed, what are its symptoms, what to do if there is a stone, what to do to avoid having a stone?

People are curious to know the answer to many such questions. For this, we have appointed Dr. VK Verma Medical Officer, AYUSH, posted in the district hospital of Basti. Spoke to Verma in detail.

what is kidney stone

A kidney stone is a crystalline mineral that can occur anywhere in the kidney or urinary tract. Small size stones usually pass out with urine. But if the stone is more than 5 mm, it causes obstruction in the urethra, resulting in symptoms like pain and vomiting. There are many reasons which increase the size of the stone.

Why do kidney stones occur?

Nowadays having kidney stones has become common. The stone should be treated immediately as soon as its symptoms are seen. Let us know what are the causes of kidney stones. One of the main reasons for this is drinking less amount of water. Excess of chemical in urine, lack of minerals in the body, dehydration, excess of vitamin D, excessive consumption of junk food increases the chances of stone formation.

kidney stone symptoms

Although having kidney stones causes pain, but along with this there are many other symptoms, which are important to know. Pain while passing urine, lower back, abdominal pain and cramps, blood in urine, nausea and vomiting, foul odor in urine, frequent urination but not open urination, fever, sweating etc. in kidney There are symptoms of having stones.

What to do so that there is no stone in the kidney

For this some changes should be made in diet and lifestyle. Peanuts, spinach, beetroot, rosewood seeds, chocolate, yam and excessive amount of protein should not be taken. Do not take excessive amounts of sodium. Avoid junk food, canned food and excessive intake of salt. Oxalate is found in sufficient quantity in spinach, whole grains etc. Don't consume it. Tomato seeds, brinjal seeds, raw rice, urad and gram are more likely to cause stone problems. Do not consume cold drinks, the phosphoric acid present in it further increases the risk of stones. Do not consume non-vegetarian food at all, so that uric acid does not increase in the body. Do not use tomato, spinach, cauliflower, cauliflower, brinjal, mushroom, chikoo, pumpkin, cashew, chocolate, tea, coffee.

What to do

Drink 10 to 12 glasses of water intermittently in a day. Do not let the amount of uric acid increase. Consume coconut water, carrot, banana, lemon, pineapple, barley, almonds. Citrus fruits and their juices can naturally help reduce or prevent kidney stones caused by citrus. Lemons, oranges and grapes are good sources of this. Drink orange juice, seasonal juice, fresh lemonade, especially fresh fruit juices. Taking Amla juice or powder daily in the morning on an empty stomach gives great benefits.

some home remedies

4. According to research, taking 100-150 mg of vitamin B regularly can get rid of kidney stones. 5. Drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water in a day removes stones. 6. Mix equal quantity of olive oil and lemon juice. Drink it with water as needed. Do this 2-3 times a day. Do this continuously for three days, if the stone comes out, then do not repeat it further. 7. Apple cider vinegar is beneficial in the treatment of kidney stones. Apple cider vinegar has alkalizing properties, which helps in dissolving kidney stones. Drink 1 cup of lukewarm water mixed with 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey several times a day.

8. Watermelon helps in the removal of stones from the kidney. Watermelon contains potassium which helps in strengthening the kidney. It keeps the acid level in urine the same. Along with potassium, it also has a high water content. By eating it, water increases in the body and the stones are removed through urine. Apart from this, take one-fourth teaspoon of coriander powder in watermelon juice and consume it. Do this two-three times a day.

treatment in homeopathy

Dr. VK Verma says that there is a successful treatment of kidney stones in homeopathy, so that without operation the stone breaks into small pieces and comes out through urine. Taking 15 to 20 drops of Berberis Q, Cantharis Q thrice a day removes stones. Calcarea carb, sarsa parilla, lycopodium are helpful in dissolving stones. It should be taken in the power of 30 or 200 according to the symptoms under the supervision of the doctor. Magphas and Belladonna give good results when there is pain.

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